Trademark is a sign, device or expression that could identify one’s products or services to the exclusion of others. A good trademark is one that does not make sense at all.
A patent is an exclusive right given to the owner for an invention, process of product which either provides as new method of doing something or a new solution to a specific problem in the field of technology.
Copyright is the exclusive right to control works created by the author, copyright owner and performer for a specific period governed under the Copyright Act 1987. Works that are eligible for copyright protections include literary works, musical works, artistic works and sound recordings etc.
Industrial Design
Intellectual Property
- Applications for registration and grant of patents, trademarks, service marks and industrial designs
- Enforcement actions
- Franchising, licensing, distribution and marketing agreements
- Infringement actions including obtaining urgent ex-parte injunctive relief
- Protection and licensing of patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs
- Technology transfers
- The protection of trade secrets and confidential information
- IT Services/Consultancy agreements
- Licensing and Technology transfer agreements
- Software Development agreements
Regulatory And Compliance
- Medical device registration
- Advice on food, drug and labelling regulatory and legal requirements
Dispute Resolution Services
- Banking and commercial litigation
- Construction law
- Corporate law
- Intellectual property litigation